Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS – DOS)
Tim Paterson (born 1956) is an American Computer Programmer, best known for creating 86-DOS, an operating system for the INTEL 8086 that emulated the API of CP/M and which formed the basis of MS-DOS, the most widely used personal computer operating system in the 1980s.
MS-DOS -> is an operating system with a command-line interface used on personal computers. It translates keyboard input by the user into operations the computer can perform, it also oversees operations such as disk input and output.
Internal Commands –> a command that resides memory whenever DOS is active.
CD or CHDIR - This command lets you change directories.
Ex. C:\>CD windows
The result will be
CD.. – moves one directory back.
CD\ - moves back to the root drive of the directory.
VER – displays the MS-DOS version number.
Ex. C:\ver
TIME – displays and sets the system time.
Ex. C:\time
DATE - This command lets you set your systems date.
Ex. C:\>date
DEL or ERASE – removes a file you want deleted.
Ex. C:\>del file.exe
MD – creates a directory
Ex. C:\ mda
RD – remove or delete directory
Ex. C:\ rd directoryname
DIR - This command gives a listing of most of the files and directories on a disk.
Ex. C:\ dir
/W - gives the directory listing wide across your screen without times, dates, and sizes listed
Ex. C:\ dir/w
CLS – This command clears the screen
Ex. C:\cls
COPY - This command obviously copies files to different spots on your disks. It does not remove the source file after writing the new file.
Ex. C:\copy mystuff.doc A:
EXIT – closes the command prompt
Ex> C:\exit
External Commands – >a command that resides on disk.
ATTRIB – Function to set or remove file attributes: (
Hidden). These attributes are used by a wide variety of programs to protect and classify files.
S – System Files
H – Hidden Files
R – Read-Only files
[+] - adds the attribute
[-] – removes attribute
[/S] – also applies to files on sub directories of current directory
[/D] – applies on folders
Ex. ATTRIB –s –h –r /s /d g:\*.*
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